Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
P.O. Box 7000
Peabody, MA 01961-7000
Phone orders: (978) 977-5000
Auto. touch-tone order: (978) 977-5080
Fax: (978) 977-5010
Customer service: (978) 977-5050
Tech. assist.: (978) 977-5040
CBD's Web Site:
CBD is an excellent discount resource for the want-to-be scholar. Computer software too! Call or write for a free catalog. Check out E.W. Bullinger's, "Companion Bible"; it has the most accurate notes on dispensationalism with a most interesting system of Bible-marking known as "Railways" and large, very useful appendixes. Available in KJV only.
Rare Christian Books
19275 Highway 28
Dixon, MO 65459
Phone/Fax: (573) 336-7316
NEW Website is:
For those really hard-to-find and out-of-print books, tracts and tapes. You've heard of the "substitutionary truths" of Christ, but have you heard of the "identification truths?" Then check out Miles J. Stanford's, "The Complete Green Letters" Also, T. Austin Sparks', "The Work of God at the End-Time" is the best answer to our dispensational end-times! Send only $5 to help with the shipping cost of their catalogs.
Christian Research Institute International (CRI)
P.O. Box 500
San Jaun Capistrano, CA 92693-0500
Phone: (714) 855-9926
Order free catalog. Best resource on the cults; tracts are in foreign languages too. Check out Walter Martin's post-tribulational teaching audio tape, "The Tribulation and the Church", (C-104). Also you'll find Walter Martin's classic book, "The Kingdom of the Cults" a very useful tool.
Bible Truth Publishers
59 Industrial Road
P.O. Box 649
Addison, Illinois 60101
Phone: (630) 543-1441
Fax: (630) 543-1476
The most complete resources on the Plymouth Brethren and John Nelson Darby available. Check out the biography on "J.N. Darby" and the "Collected Writings of J.N. Darby." Tons of tracts available here too. Free catalog.
Dolores Press, Inc.
1501 S. Glendale Avenue
Glendale, CA 91205-3315
Phone: (800) 338-3030
Or international phone: (818) 240-8151
Can't find the "Book of Jasher" (Joshua 10:13); or you've never read the "Book of Enoch" or "The Book of Jubilees!" Then here's the resource. Check out E. Raymond Capt's, "The Glory of the Stars." Gene Scott's teaching materials available here too, for the more discerning. Free Catalog. Ask about shortwave radio frequencies for your area of the world.
Grace To You
P.O.Box 4000
Panorama City, CA 91412
Phone: (805) 295-5777
Fax: (805) 295-5779
Good grace teachings resource. Check out John F. MacArthur's, "Charismatic Chaos" for sound dispensational truths on the relevance of the spiritual gifts and miracles.
Zion's Hope, Inc.
P.O. Box 690909
Orlando, FL 32869
Phone: (407) 872-2272 / (800) 4-I-S-R-A-E-L
Subscribe to "the" pre-wrath rapture prophecy magazine, "Zion"s Fire" for $15.00 (USA). First time subscribers get the first year free (just make your request)! Resource for books, audio and video tapes on Bible prophecy. Marvin Rosenthal offers conferences and tours to Israel too!
The Berean Bible Society
N112 W17761 Mequon Rd.
PO Box 756
Germantown, WI 53022-0756
Phone: (414) 255-4094
Fax: (414) 225-4195
Request a free monthly (except July) subscription for "The Berean Searchlight." An excellent resource of ultradispensational truths, if you can ignore the erroneous pre-tribulational teachings. Check out Cornelius R. Stam's, "Things That Differ."
939 W. Wilson Ave., Suite 202C
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (773) 561-2450
Fax: (773) 989-2079
Meet the Jesus People USA through their honest and resourceful 'zine, "Cornerstone" for $15.00 (USA), which includes 8 issues and a free XL T-Shirt! Who knows, you might just join them!